Well, it turns out that his phone has been tapped and people are trying to kill them. So Bruce goes all the way into Kansas City to try to protect Mary-Louise, all while later teaming up with Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich, Helen Mirren, and Brian Cox.
Now that sounds pretty badass, doesn't it? Also, back when I watched it back when it came out in theaters, I recall it had amusing moments in it. So I was really looking forward to revisiting it. Sadly, I was oddly underwhelmed with "Red". Even for an action movie that doesn't take itself too seriously, it needs to consistently entertain me the entire way through from the action scenes, the humor, and the downtime between the characters.
The movie has some funny stuff in here with lines like "Are you going to take your knife out of my balls?", and some of the action was really cool, but it never takes off. Let's talk about the romance between Bruce Willis and Mary-Louise Parker. It falls flat on its face. I seriously didn't feel any chemistry at all between the two, and if a romance in a movie isn't going to bring any sort of chemistry, what's even the point?
I think part of this movie's problem too is that it feels like it really needed more action sequences and a whole lot more laughs to truly make the experience worthwhile. This also could've helped me overlook the really bland and boring story involving an illegal arms dealer and a vice president.
Overall, I didn't exactly feel like I wasted my time, as this did help cheer me up from a bad mood as I like said before, there were fun moments in here. But compared to other action movies out there (including ones that don't take themselves very seriously), "Red" doesn't hold up that well. It might be a nice rental, but this is not a must-see by any stretch. It could've been so much better.
I give "Red"(2010) directed by Robert Schwentke a 5 out of 10.
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