"Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey" (1993) is a remake of a 1963 film called "The Incredible Journey" which is based off of a book by Sheila Burnford. It tells the story of a family moving to San Francisco leaving their three pets behind at a ranch. Unfortunately, they miss their owners really bad, so they decide to embark on a journey across the mountains so they can hopefully reach their new home. These animals don't move their lips like in "Babe", but we do hear their thoughts and communications.
The three pets are Chance (voiced by Michael J. Fox from the Back to the Future movies) who's a mischievous canine who loves to play around, Sassy (voiced by Sally Field) who's a cat that loves making snotty remarks and hates water, and Shadow (voiced by Don Ameche, who amazingly was over 80 years old when playing this character, and sadly passed away from prostate cancer the same year this came out) who's a wise, old dog that has great instincts.
Even as an adult, sometimes I like to revisit movies that are aimed at kids because, sometimes in my entertainment, I enjoy watching something that's innocent and fun. The best kids movies in my opinion, are ones that would not only appeal to kids, but also adults like me if they hold up well. And I'm going to tell you right now, this movie absolutely works for both groups. It has such great charm, that I just can't help but smile.
One highlight for me was this one scene where Chance jumps down onto a log, sending a cougar flying down to a river below. I mean, how awesomely preposterous is that? Hahaha. Some of the dialogue between the animals was amusing as well. "Remember hot dogs?" "Yeah, I wasn't much for the name, though." "I don't think they're really made of dog." "I don't think they're made of meat."
I got to give props to the crew members here. I mean, I'm amazed that they were able to do a lot of the shots in this movie as I'm sure there was a lot of challenging effort that was put into them. Especially this one scene where Sassy the cat gets swept by a river and down a waterfall. Plus, the nature scenes are just simply beautiful to look at.
If there are any parents out there that will randomly stumble upon this review wondering if this movie is acceptable for their young kids, please, do yourself a favor and show this to your kids. I'm positive they'll love it. It's a very heartwarming adventure, and I'm very happy I watched it again. It was really fun.
I give Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (1993) directed by Duwayne Dunham a 9 out of 10.
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