If you read my reviews for the first two movies, you'll know that I really enjoyed them. They were really exciting and entertaining while also having really interesting characterizations. I even feel tempted to try out the books by Michael Crichton because of how much I was entertained by them. Jurassic Park III on the other hand, sadly kind of sucked.
Are you the type of person who wants good characters and story in an action movie? Well I'm going to strongly suggest that you DON'T BOTHER with this one. Besides Sam Neill and a brief appearance by Laura Dern's character, the characters in this movie were either boring or annoying as hell. The divorced couple in particular was very badly written. It was really impossible for me to actually give so much of a shit about them because they got on my nerves. And the story itself is just a stupid-ass excuse for a bunch of random characters to set on an island and be in danger.
Maybe this movie can be somewhat redeemed if the action sequences are good, right? Well, that depends. If you aren't picky on how skillfully made they are, you might have fun with them. But whenever green screen is used for the actors, it looks painfully obvious since the humans have a different color contrast than the background. Also, the computer-generated dinosaurs which looked pretty damn good in the first two movies, just looked really fake and badly animated a lot of the time. It also feels like this movie's missing sort of human villain or something. It could've added maybe at least something to the story.
To its credit, Jurassic Park III isn't complete crap. Sam Neill is a really entertaining presence here. It was pretty cool to see him again. And some of the action in the second half honestly wasn't too bad. It was kind of okay. And there was this small scene I found pretty amusing, where Dr. Grant has a nightmare on the plane and he sees a raptor that says "Alan! Alan!" Hahaha. It was dumb, but it was funny. The length is also short enough to not make it a complete chore to sit through.
All in all though, even with that small bit of praise I just mentioned, this movie is still just not very good. I suppose I can see some people enjoying Jurassic Park III in a guilty pleasure sort of way, but even then, there are some campy action movies out there that I still consider a whole lot better. It's not the worst thing in existence, but I am so glad that I'll never have to watch this film ever again.
I give Jurassic Park III (2001) directed by Joe Johnston a 4 out of 10.
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